Monday, July 2, 2012

Diet for diabetic nephropathy patients

Diet for diabetic nephropathy patients

Protein: long time high protein intake will aggravate the condition of high filtration for kidneys. Also, excess protein intake will increase the production of poisonous nitrogen metabolites and fluid retention. In this way, the kidney function will be further damaged. Therefore, we should take protein properly to reduce the damage of kidneys. Generally, the protein intake should be consumed 0.6-0.8g/kg weight. The protein should be high quality which can be found in lean meat, milk and egg white.
Diary products: such as milk, cheese, cream and yogurt are rich in calcium to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. They are a good source of protein too.
Fruits and Vegetables: are filled with vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to maintain wellness. Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is recommended for optimal health and disease prevention.
Amino acid: patients should consume amino acid as much as possible.
Calorie: when patients are stick to low protein diet, they should be supplied with enough calories to maintain the physical necessity. The intake of calories should be 30-35kilocalorie/kg weight. You can find calorie from potatoes, sweet potato, pumpkin and other foods which contain high calorie but low amount protein.
Salt should be limited especially for Diabetic Nephropathy patients who have experienced swelling, high blood pressure as well as less urine. Limit of salt can effectively prevent the occurrence of many complications.
Water: to keep the balance of water is also very important. Generally the water intake for patients who have found kidney failure should be 500ml plus the volume of urine last night.
Potassium: if the urine volume is still over 1000ml, there is no need for you to limit the potassium intake. Patients can choose any fresh vegetables and fruits they like. However, when patients present hyperkalemia, they should limit high potassium foods. Those fruits and vegetables which contain less potassium can be: apple, pear, watermelon, grape, pineapple. Those foods which contain high potassium can be rape, spinach, potato, banana; peach and so on should not be consumed.
The above diet suggestions for Diabetic Nephropathy patients are only a reference. the details should depends on patient's specific illness condition.

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