Friday, July 27, 2012

Dietary Therapy for lupus nephritis

1, black beans, red bean, the 30g, 10 red dates, and cook until beans rot can be sugar, daily soup, but also edible small amount of beans. For the kidney, proteinuria. 2, about turtle 500g, plus walnut meat, amount of rock sugar, spices, steamed, used for kidney proteinuria. 3, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, the 10g, tea right amount of tea to drink. For facial erythema. 4, Astragalus 30g, a broiler chicken, stew. Apply to the hypoproteinemia, edema. 5, Coix seed 15 to 30g, boiled, put the amount of sugar, edible, once daily. Facial erythema.
If you have lupus nephritis, the therapeutic side, do not quite understand, you can continue to read the following related content.

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