Sunday, July 29, 2012

Food taboos of lupus kidney disease patients

Diet contraindication for patients with lupus nephritis? "Issues of concern are the majority of patients, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for a brief introduction of any dietary restrictions for patients with lupus nephritis?
Food taboos of lupus kidney disease patients? The experts found: Recurrent high rate of lupus nephritis. Approximately 20% of patients with lupus nephritis will be 10 years development of uremia, one of the leading cause of death of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. That has also become a great concern for of Xu lupus nephritis patients and family members!
Why lupus nephritis repeated high? Why, in a very short time developed into uremia it? The main reason is that the diet of patients with lupus nephritis was not standardized.For patients with lupus nephritis, follow the dietary guidelines of lupus nephritis is critical, as will make lupus nephritis to control treatment.
Lupus kidney disease patients of any dietary restrictions following:
1, patients with lupus nephritis should not eat diet
Patients with lupus nephritis should not eat less food with enhanced light-sensitive role of food: such as figs, milk vetch, rape, the yellow Bullacta and celery should be avoided, such as eating sunlight. Mushroom, mushrooms, mushrooms, and certain food dyes and tobacco also have a potential role for induced systemic lupus erythematosus, but also try not to eat or less edible.
2 lupus nephritis patients with high-protein diet
Systemic lupus erythematosus patients with kidney damage often large amounts of protein are lost from the urine, can cause hypoproteinemia, and therefore must add enough quality protein, can drink milk, eat soy products, eggs, lean meat, fish protein-rich foods.
Lupus nephritis patients should be low-fat diet
Less active systemic lupus erythematosus patients, poor digestive function, should eat light and easily digestible food unfit for human consumption containing more fat and greasy food.
4 patients with lupus nephritis should be low-carb diets
Could easily cause a systemic lupus erythematosus patients taking long-term glucocorticoid steroid diabetes and Cushing's syndrome, it should be appropriate to control appetite, eat less sugar content of foods that are high.
5, lupus nephritis patients should be low-salt diet
Corticosteroids or patients with kidney damage easily lead to water, sodium retention, causing swelling, so the low-salt diet.
Lupus nephritis patients should supplement calcium
Prevent osteoporosis caused by glucocorticoids; eat more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.
In short, lupus nephritis is not an incurable disease, so patients unnecessary fear. In addition to the normal medication by your doctor, in life, pay attention to the daily care and diet to restore. As the control treatment of lupus nephritis from repeated. In addition, patients with lupus nephritis consolidation therapy at home, such as the regulation of the diet problems, or other problems lead to lupus nephritis repeated. Patient friend to be sure to go to a regular hospital, in order to avoid adversely affected by illness, which developed into uremia.

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